Bend The Future
Founded in January 2019, Bend the Future is a progressive rock band based in Grenoble, France. Identified generally by their odd-time-scaled tunes, they incorporate elements of '70s prog rock, jazz, funk along with Eastern Europe music in their sound. Bend the Future was initiated by Can Yildirim (guitars/voice), Rémi Pouchain (bass), Pierre-Jean Ménabé (saxophone) and Piel Pawlowski (drums). More recently, the band has reached its final formation after Samy Chebre (keyboards) joined. During the last days of summer in Little Big Studios, Grenoble, they recorded their debut album, 'Pendellösung'. 'Pendellösung' tells the story of a hermit in a secluded forest who is a pilgrim in his own memories, memories which are recorded in his writings addressed to an unnamed loved one. The album explores the concepts of isolation, yearning, confrontation, and awakening through extended-length tunes blended with inventive musicality and a wide range of emotional twists.