Drug Free Youth
A Message From Now
Drug Free Youth is the vehicle of one mans experiences in life and music launched from the northern Greece to Milan Italy and back via Salonika to Athens through numerous Greek & Italian bands playing everything from 60s & 80s underground to imaginative punk rock! You may catch him playing frenzy farfisa with the current line-up of the Frantic V, even spiting out punkadelic vocals of his fave 60s covers. Here you can listen to his "Message from now" a fresh vintage!? sound coming out of a lysergic farfisa, a reptile fuzzed out guitar & tons of trippy effects by theremin and other vintage instruments through an 80s eight track real to real tape console mixed with the help of an authentic 60s analogue reverb -like the one Jeff Beck used in his Yardbird days-. A well hidden by multiple layers of fuzz & echo, pop originated psychedelic garage that becomes more acid track by track to conclude in a three parted explosion of a 7:45" composition that merges the oriental rhythms of East with the psyched out, distorted Western fantasy of a restless mind. One of the most original analogue acid drenched, 60s influenced concept albums of Greece.