Arkhamin Kirjasto
Undead Priest Of Holy Trinity Of Death
Available on standard black (ltd. to 500) wax. ARKHAMIN KIRJASTO, the Finnish 'Kings of Lovecraftian Hard Rock & Death Metal', are back with a 7" EP entitled 'Undead Priest of Holy Trinity of Death', featuring three brand-new songs from the sessions in which they recorded their critically acclaimed debut album, Torches Ablaze. The title track is an unholy recital about a zombie priest evoking an undead horde. 'The Nomad' tells the story of a vicious revenant wanderer who slaughters everything he sees. 'Spellbound & Tortured' is a mangled vision from the eyes of a sadist wizard. Musically, this EP delivers the most straightforward ARKHAMIN KIRJASTO to date and the band sounds nastier than ever. The cover art is courtesy of Eero Reiniaho, the mastermind behind the album covers of STENCH OF DECAY and DEPRESSION.