Lusiferiinin Armosta
Pahuuden Maisteri
Lusiferiinin Armosta returns with 'Pahuuden Maisteri', their first new release since the debut album 'Nuolee' (2009). A couple of years have rolled on by, but the old pony still knows its tricks. The two songs on the 7-inch are built out of familiar sounding building blocks: pummeling drums and frantically pulsating basslines trying to keep track of each other, while an ethereal voice soars above the manic proceedings, escaping the depths of a distorted pool of gray guitar ooze. This is not the sound of bomber planes, screaming down from the sky in flames. Nor is it the sound of twisting steel in collapsing buildings. Lusiferiinin Armosta drowns the listener right from the start in a relentless, steady stream of noise that proceeds to embrace like an old friend instead of throttling you.