Woodward, Davey -& The Winter Orphans-
Mystic Science
Imagine a time when putting together the best cassette compilation ever (today it's called a playlist) was the sole purpose of the day. Getting it right would mean the difference between a good day or bad day. It was also the best way to impress girls and show your mates how hip you were. A time when dreaming, looking cool and disregarding the rules was everything. Decades later and life catches up, broken relationships, broken families. You make a playlist to reflect this but you have no one to send it to. 'Mystic Science' is that playlist. Lyrically it's looking back, it's now, it might be tomorrow. Characters with front, angry, confused, fragile, aghast. Ruminations, temptations, visions, superstition, and blind faith, you might say the deep end of the pool. They sound personal but maybe they are stories, characters, imagination? The sounds are warm, seductive, melodic, human, mostly intimate, sometimes raucous, folk'n'roll? There's a lot to discover here. Give 'Mystic Science' your time and attention and it will become your best friend. This is Davey Woodward & The Winter Orphans' third album, following their self-titled debut in 2018 and 2020's 'Love And Optimism.'