Weinhold, Jutta
To Be Or Not
Jutta Weinhold was born in Mainz (Germany). Her first musical steps are in 1969, when she was engaged in the role of 'Sheila' in the musical 'Hair,' followed by appareances in the musicals 'Godspell' and 'Jesus Christ Superstar' in 1972. Her band Zed Yago, founded in 1985, became pretty popular in Europe and to be considered a pioneer of "dramatic" metal. Unfortunately the success brought internal conflicts inside the band and a heavy legal dispute forced her to not use the Zed Yago monicker anymore, so in 1990 she baptized her new musical project Velvet Viper, to be considered the only possible Zed Yago following; the rest of the band infact could not continue without her and they disbanded soon after. 'Velvet Viper' (with former Warlock Peter Szigeti on guitar) was released in 1990 and 'Fourth Quest For Fantasy' (with former Z.Y. drummer Bubi) in 1992, are both great epic-classic HM albums but did not meet good sales, so then the band was put on ice. In 1994 she released her third solo album 'To Be Or Not' with heavier sound in comparison with her previous solo-ones.