The Owls Are Not What They Seem (2cd)
'The Owls Are Not What They Seem: David Lynch Tribute Remixes' is the continuation of the project 'Now It's Dark: David Lynch Tribute' dedicated to the work of the filmmaker and musician David Lynch. This is a double-CD collection of remixes of original compositions included in the first album. Like on the previous disc, remixed versions were created by the musicians from different directions of the Russian-speaking dark scene: from ambient, noise and pure experimentalism to sharp rhythmic dark techno and post-industrial. The participants are: Arcuation, Regulär, Uhushuhu, Notum, Wunderblock, Neznamo, Sal Solaris, Mortart, Bionoid, Light Collapse, Reutoff, Mira Drevo, Riddika, Svetlo111, Alex Schultz, Lokodepo, Majdanek Waltz, Relic Radiation, Zima23, Lunar Abyss, Kshatriy. Each disc starts with a special "intro" written by the St. Petersburg-based project Anthesteria and the theremin player Peter Theremin - the great-grandson of the famous inventor who continues the popularization of his ancestor's instrument.