Somewhere Between (2lp/purple)
'Somewhere Between: Mutant Pop, Electronic Minimalism & Shadow Sounds of Japan 1980-1988' is another release within Light In The Attic's acclaimed Japan Archival Series. The album showcases recordings produced during Japan's soaring bubble economy of the 1980's, an era in which aesthetic visions and consumerism merged. Music echoed the nation's prosperity and with financial abundance came the luxury to dream. Comes on purple vinyl. TRACKS: 01. Noriko Miyamoto - Arrows & Eyes 02. Mishio Ogawa - Hikari No Ito Kin No Ito 03. Yoshio Ojima - Days Man 04. Mkwaju Ensemble - Tira-Rin 05. R.N.A-ORGANISM - WEIMAR 22 06. Naoki Asai - Yakan Hikou 07. Takami Hasegawa - Koneko To Watashi 08. Mammy - Mizu No Naka No Himitsu 09. Dip in the Pool - Hasu No Enishi 10. Wha Ha Ha - Akatere 11. D-Day - Sweet Sultan 12. Perfect Mother - Dark Disco-Da Da Da Da Run 13. Neo Museum - Area 14. Sonoko - Wedding With God