No Shit... It's Gg Allin & The Jabbers Tribute
The Jabbers will forever be known as "GG's First Band". Which is, of course true. But they actually put out some pretty decent stuff. And GG could actually still sing. Well, Swedish label Crippled Tickler put this together with lots of scuzzy punk bands doing Jabbers tunes. There's also 4 new recordings featuring the reformed Jabbers with ex-Queer Wimpy singing. TRACKS: 01.Jerk Alert - Unpredictable 02.The New Wave Hookers - 1980's Rock N Roll 03.The Jimmies - Automatic 04.Orange Juice From The Crypt - N.Y.C Tonight 05.Antiseen - Cock On The Loose 06.Photon Torpedoes - A Fuck Up 07.The Nerds - No Rules 08.Truck Like Tank - Beat Beat Beat 09.Dead - Hard Candy Cock 10.Ratfink - You Hate Me & I Hate You 11.Sex Sex Sex - Assface 12.Scrumfeeder - Don't Talk To Me 13.First State Thrill Killers - Louden Boomer 14.Band With No Name - Out For Blood 15.Evil Otto - One Man Army 16.Connecticut Cocksuckers - Live Fast, Die Fast 17.Nothing But Puke - Dead Or Alive 18.Jonee Earthquake Band - The Ballad Of GG 19.Big Meat Hammer - Drink, Fight & Fuck 20.Crazy Candidates - I Need Adventure 21.They Might Be Vaginas -Bored To Death 22.The Kinger Brothers - Blowjobs 23.PP7 Gaftzeb & The Peanuts - Gimme Some Head 24.The Faggot Kings - Up Against The Wall 25.Crotch Lice Scumbags - I Need Adventure 26.Worm Suicide - Cheri Love Affair 27.The Jabbers - Nuke Attack 28.The Jabbers - I Hope She Holds Her Breath 29.The Jabbers - Death Child 30.The Jabbers - I Wanna Be Your Dog