Ho-dad Hootenanny Too!
The ultimate mid-'60s frat-rockin' garage blowout! With liner notes, band photos, label scans. You get 32 cuts in supreme fidelity! TRACKS: 01. The Loving Machines - The Loving Machine 02. The Stratacasters - Reelin' And Rockin' 03. The Pastels - Why Don't You Love Me 04. The Bonnevilles - You Just Can't Tell Her 05. The Asenders - I Really Love You 06. The Breakers - Long Green 07. The Ovations - Pop Me Too 08. The Pendletons - Gloria 09. Don & The Agitators - Going Back Home 10. The Royal Playboys - Bring It Back 11. The Paragons - All I Can Do 12. B.C. & The Cavemen - As Long As I'm Around 13. The Shanels - Why Did I? 14. The Tortians - Red Cadillac 15. The Rondells - Everybody To And Fro 16. The Personals - Dance All Night 17. The Color - Down The Road Apiece 18. Sir Kenneth & The Yorkshire Coachmen - Money 19. The Royalties - Dance Time 20. The Playmates - She Drives Me Ape 21. The Hotbeats - Injun 22. The Checkmates - Do It 23. The Hi Fives - Fujikami The Warrior 24. The Nightcaps - Wine, Wine, Wine 25. The Pharoahs - Looking For Girls 26. The De Rons - It's Okey 27. Jerry Ashley - Come On 28. The Intruders - Subterranean Homesick Blues 29. The Lidos - Since I Last Saw You 30. The Rocks - Love City 31. The Sabers - Skinny Minny 32. The Beethovens Four - Oh Pretty Baby