Back From The Canigo 2 (1999-2010) (2lp)
Back for the second volume of 'Back From The Canigó', in the same spirit as 'Back From The Grave', it is a showcase of happened musically in the South of France near Perpignan at the beginning of the 21st century. This volume showcases other bands created by Perpignan's city rockers and the country punks from the nearby villages. TRACKS: 01. Jack Of Heart - Love in Vain 02. Les Bellas - Belladelic 03. Sonic Chicken 4 - Do it Allright 04. El Vicio - Longanisse 05. Pablo Escobar's Sons - Fuzz Rapid Fuzz 06. Destination Lonely - Vanessa 07. Migas Valdes - Marijuana 08. Sonic Chicken 4 - Right Side Of Woman 09. Les Bellas - She's On My Track 10. Mighty Go-Go Players - Fallin' With You, In Love With You 11. Hair & The Iotas - Tell Her Lies 12. T. Time Fantasy - Shake With Me 13. Ultralove - Je Viens D'une Autre Planete 14. El Vicio - Darkside 15. Hair & The Iotas - Faster 16. Hushpuppies - You're Gonna Say Yeah! 17. Hair & The Iotas - Head It On 18. White Ni***rs - Don't Wanna Be Back 19. Men In The Moon - Meteorite Beat 20. Les Bellas - Mistrial Blues 21. Crank - Kill My Brain Make Me Smile 22. The Fatals - Feel Allright 23. Zoo Trash - Not Enough Noise 24. Jack Of Heart - Tell Me Lyres 25. Kung Fu Escalator - Get Off My Mind 26. Circles - Many In My Head 27. Migas Valdes - Gories 28. Los Santos - Henry 2D 29. T. Time Fantasy - San Francisco 30. Hushpuppies - Hushpuppies