Unknown To Known
Jazz from London's Unknown To Known. They offers an intimate dialogue of meandering melodies and textural grooves over resounding harmonic landscapes. At times euphoric and often dynamic, this music is always interactive, honest and raw. With their name, London's four-piece jazz group Unknown To Known seem to prophesy their own rise to prominence, one that is especially more likely to unfold in a continual way now that they've released their next LP 'Lightship.' As with their prior EP 'River Crossing,' 'Lightship' was also made on a lightship, which happened to double up as a recording studio. Staying true to their craft so far, this iteration of the project was once again born of a session. The record meanders through neofolk, international and cinematic music, and jazz, moving from the erratic but calming bamboo flutes of 'Wide Waters' to the matte steel-string slides and gourds of 'Good Morning Moon,' and ending on the fervent flute and cymbal devotional 'Lightship.'