Turner, Otha -& The Rising Star Fife And Drum Band-
Everybody Hollerin' Goat (2lp)
The trance blues stylings of Otha Turner And His Rising Star Fife And Drum Band should be a music classification unto itself, a whole new primitive take on drum and bass. This music is the oldest still-practiced post-colonial American music, and Turner was one of its greatest artists of the 20th century. Blowing the cane fife with a band of drummers as back up, The Rising Star Fife And Drum band was legendary in the hills of Tate County, Mississippi, where they would perform during the yearly goat picnics on Turner's farm. These tracks were recorded in the '90s by Luther Dickinson during such picnics and first released when Turner was 90 years old. 'Everybody Hollerin' Goat' showcases first hand the hypnotic and rhythmic style of fife and drum music at its best-raw and beautiful.