Thee Girl Fridays
Double Crossing Double Agent/ejector Seat
Thee Girl Fridays are a Scottish garage-beat combo who are supercharged with sass and a shared love for old school rock'n'roll. Following their debut EP 'The Love Witch' in 2019 (one of the very early Spinout nuggets), Thee Girl Fridays cast a spell on a slew of retroactive enthusiasts. Many gigs, festivals, a pandemic break, and change of personnel later, Miss Kazooki (vocals), Rotator Cuff (drums) and Ms Boom (bass) welcomed guitarist Lightnin' (Sally Skull, The Nettelles, Lord Rochester, and author of 'Girlsville: The Story Of The Delmonas And Thee Headcoatees') and part-time organ grinder Caitriona Nettelle (The Nettelles) aboard. This AA side captures a snapshot in the life of our 'Double Crossing Double Agent.' He's immersed in an underworld of espionage. Watch out Harry Palmer, he's on your tail and he's stealing your women! This side the sound is inspired by both the known and lesser known girl groups of '60s and beyond. As The Shangri-Las once hypothesised 'He's good-bad, but he's not evil.' We'll let you decide... Flip and you'll find our agent on a chase through space contemplating the use of one of the most underrated inventions of the 20th century, the 'Ejector Seat.' Does our stealth agent press the button? Paying homage to Barry Gray/Sylvia & Gerry Anderson, discover otherworldly sounds, reverb, and a big dose of attitude thrown in for good measure. Dare you take a ride? These tracks were recorded at Ravencraig, Scotland's premier analogue studio by Angus McPake (The Thanes, Les Bof, The Sensation Seekers) and mixed by Russ Wilkins (The Milkshakes, The Wildebeest, Lord Rochester) and space-tacular artwork concept by Rotator Cuff and realised by Chris 'Shake' Taylor (The Razerbills, The Real Losers). Limited to 500 copies.