Experimental Health
'Experimental Health' is the 14th album from The Telescopes and their third release on Weisskalt. The Telescopes are an all-embracing concern which began in 1987 - the only constant, being sole composer and instigator, Northumbrian born, Stephen Lawrie. The band's line-up is in constant flux: there can be anywhere between 1 and 20 members on a recording. This album was created entirely independently by Lawrie in a remote cottage in West Yorkshire between January and May 2022. 'Experimental Health' is folk music made with broken toys and cheap synths - mostly Pocket Operators and miniature synths. Here are no guitars present on the album, most of the instrumentation costing £50 or less. The complexity of sound rests within the simplicity of the composition and musical arrangements. "Like Robert Wyatt on LSD" ~Gonzaï Magazine. "An album of lo-fi psyched-out swirls that lushly loop around, distorted and rich, defying any humble origins. There is a healthy depth to its strangeness, with a motorik combination of synths, noise and percussion" ~NARC Magazine.