SVARTE PAN is a Swedish band who have earned themselves a good reputation of being a hard working band, who gives everything on stage. This is the 2nd album after the "Sov gott" album from 2002, who received very good response in the press. It's no secret that the band have their roots in the 70's bluesbased hardrock scene, but what differs SVARTE PAN with the others in the stoner rock genre is that SVARTE PAN is far more bluesbased, and also, do not put their trust in walls of distortion. SVARTE PAN delivers some superb melodies instead, and also adds swedish vocals. Their music could be described as a Swedish mixture of old bands like NAZARETH, BLACK SABBATH, a touch of JIMI HENDRIX vibe, and an even bigger slice of NOVEMBER. Together with ABRAMIS BRAMA, SVARTE PAN is another new bands carrying on the swedish bluesy hardrock style of NOVEMBER. A CD holding several potentional hits.