Jeanne D'aymÉ
Formed in 1972 in Northern France, Sourdeline has remained as a hidden treasure for decades. With a strong Pentangle influence in their works, the guys released a couple of astounding albums during the next few years, acquiring a wonderful baroque folk sound based in some traditional French folk songs and many originals, with the use of a large number of traditional instruments. Their second and last album "Jeanne d'Aymé" is from 1977 and, though being the lesser known of them both, is for Guerssen their definitive work, a truly major discovery waiting for you who are not yet in the know. This is the first ever reissue. Remastered sound, and a fantastic booklet with unseen photos and liners by Gerald Van Waes, as well as Sourdeline's story written by the band's leader Jean-Pierre Danielsen.