Desert Navigation
Deluxe digipak 3 panel. There is something magical and inexplicable in creation, and Sand manifest absolutely these mysterious phenomena. Story-tellers, musicians, shamans, geniuses, Sand were known, at the end of the 60s, as P.O.T. (Part of Time). Then Sand - Ludwig Papenberg and his brother Ullrich Papenberg, and Johannes Vester, developed a more avant-gardist, proto-industrial, visionary experimental approach, a truly unique entity in the history of music. Not dependant on a classical "Krautrock" style, Sand is nevertheless part of this movement of German cosmic/psychedelic bands, as well as being the originators of proto-industrial musics. Live Events in the Quarry and an archaic sound formed the background music of the young atomic age. In the meantime the Desert Storm accumulated in endless trance garage sessions. Then SAND drifted from the mythical landscapes to Berlin and were mingled with various oriental influences. Vultures were scudding along the urban canyons whilst burning houses illuminated the skyline. SAND navigated in obscure spheres and discovered Tendrara.