Salamakannel (Lightning Kantele) is back! On 'IV,' the band's personal sound is still born from the ringing of various stringed instruments. Salamakannel's music combines traditional Finnish pelimanni (folk musician) music, especially kantele music from Perho River Valley, American string band music and various rock influences. An essential part of the band's repertoire is the band members' own personal compositions. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Salamakannel's best-known lineup made three albums, which are still considered to be the front-line releases of the emerging Finnish contemporary folk music. Salamakannel's album 'IV' continues from where the band left off 30 years ago. The album's music contains a variety of moods, from heartbreaking lyrical melodies to ancient imitations of the church bell tunes, Chicago waltz, polska or oompah, Finnish humppa.