Projection Company/staff Carpenborg & The Electric Corona
Give Me Some Lovin'/fantastic Party
Wow! Two more great US '60s exploito psych LP's on one disc, presented in a miniature LP-sleeve! The first title here is the Projection Company's great 1967 Custom release 'Gimme Some Lovin', featuring fuzzed out guitars and wild organs and scorching vocals. Alos present is Scott Carpenborg's classic 1971 free form 'Fantastic Party'. While you may expect cheesy orchestra music it's actually the rawest, dopest and wildest psychedelic groove one could imagine. Stomping breaks, haunting spooky organ sounds and wet swampy bass lines from the very beginning to the last groove, completed with some strange sci-fi sounds and stereo FX. The LSD was certainly flowing richly during these sessions! Tracks 1-10 compile the album Give Me Some Lovin'by The Projection Company, and tracks 11-18 compile the album Fantastic Party (Die Tanzplatte Fur Heise Stunden by Staff Carpenborg and the Electric Corona.