Under The Fool Moon (hardback)
'Petrified' fanzine was, alongside with Norway's 'Slayer Mag,' arguably the most iconic and significant black metal fanzines of the early to mid '90s, created in the midst of the genre's most pivotal and controversial years. Created by Jon 'Thorns' Jamshid of the equally notable Fullmoon Productions, it featured now (in)famous interviews with such milestone artists as Samael, Abigail, Necromantia, Emperor, Mortiis, Vlad Tepes, Katatonia, Varathron, Graveland, Behemoth, Hades, Abruptum, Abigor, Naglfar, Tormentor, Desaster, Marduk, Covenant and many more. This book collects all issues of 'Petrified' and 'Moonlight' zines, a wealth of unpublished interviews and photos, as well as the full story of the fanzine and record label that released works by such groundbreaking artists such as Mysticum, Hades, Abruptum, Black Funeral, Conqueror, Black Witchery, Velvet Cacoon and Nightbringer.