Miss Chain & The Broken Heels
On A Bitter Sweet Ride
REISSUE. Limited to 300 copies. New coloured sleeve artwork, and on blue vinyl! After having released three 45s, the band now comes up with 12 more impressive examples of what real power-pop is all about. This platter is a real little masterpiece. All tunes deliver the perfect blend of classic late 70's power-pop, 60's all-girl group sounds and the minimalistic charme of early punk-rock. We said it before and we will say it again, this band will be HUGE!!! If you really dig the sound of crunchy guitars, be a sucker for songs with the highest possible recognition value and go bananas for a full dose of harmonies, you need to have "On a bittersweet ride" They're the last craftsmen of the perfect pop song. If you don't like them don't worry, you're probably dead but nobody told you yet.