Septic Sterility
'Septic Sterility' is the second full length collaborative album from MB and FRAG (Stephen Burroughs - Head Of David/Tunnels Of Ah) and takes a very different path to that of the previous album, 2020's 'Psychation.' The album consists of five tracks, three relatively short works that feature vocals by Maurizio and two lengthy instrumental works. The shorter tracks with vocals have the distinct air of almost being introductions to the two longer pieces as they seem to build up the emotional intensity before we are cast into the dark smelter. Maurizio's spoken words are processed through a gamut of filters and at times resemble some kind of signal intercepted from another dimension. Both dreamlike and nightmarish these words appear to be biblical texts being spoken in the Italian language but at times they fragment and collapse in on themselves. The words are crushed till they spit out from the speakers as a blizzard of staccato shards of sound. Layer upon layer of overloaded electronic drones are the sea upon what the texts are buoyed upon with the shifting static giving the voice an almost transcendental air of mystery.