Massiera, Jean-pierre
Psychoses Freakoid (1963-78)
Canadian import. This is the story of Jean-Pierre Massiera, the mastermind behind Les Maledictus Sound. Released in 1968, this album was his epiphany, produced with no artistic constraint or pressure to produce a hit. A man with a blurred artistic vision, he is an artist with not one plan, but many plans, whose career started with early '60s French beat groups spread through the '70s, '80s and up to the present, where he now works in various French studios. This is a work made of absurd blunts, delirious outtakes, outrageous a&r demands, rip offs, and of course brilliant fuck ups. A career made of loops, woops, of hits and misses. TRACKS: 01.Basile - Il Tubo Dell'anno 02.Les Monégasques - Psychose 03.Les Maledictus Sound - Inside My Brain 04.J.P.M. & Co - Dali Court 05.The Piranha' Sounds - La Turbie Pirhanienne 06.Basile - Engins Bizarres Et Gens Étranges 07.Les Chats -Bizarre 08.J.P.M. & Co - Plus Jamais Ca 09.Visitors - Flatwoods Story 10.Herman's Rocket - Space Woman 11.Venus Gang - Space Inferno 12.Herman's Rocket - The Last Tourment 13.The Starlights - Jingle Jungle 14.The Piranha' Sounds - La Nef Des Fous 15.Visitors - Terre Labour