Luck Of Eden Hall
Belladonna Marmalade
Chicago is also coincidentally home to a band called The Luck of Eden Hall who have impressed me greatly with their album 'Belladonna Marmalade' (a CD on Walrus Records, no address shown) which our man on the spot Bruce Pates kindly sent in. Their first 45 was on Limited Potential (as was fellow Chicagoans The Smashing Pumpkins's) and they followed it up with a collection called 'Under The Sea' - but 'Belladonna Marmalade' (which is where I came in) is the works alright; exotic guitar pieces, great songs, a dash of mysticism and a whole basketful of psychedelic nuances which all come to a head on 'Mariead' in particular, and which are reflected in the gloriously trippy sleeve-art. I'd go so far as to risk upsetting an awful lot of Terrascope readers by saying I could stomach hearing a lot more of The Luck of Eden Hall than I could the Pumpkins themselves, who I humbly consider sounded 'corporate' even before they became so; anyway the challenge has been thrown down for those of you who'd care to take it up. Just remember where you read of them first. -Phil McMullen, Terrascope