Lieshout, Dirk -van- -& Lukas Simonis-
Rumoer 2013 (pd)
'Rumoer' is an art installation made by Dirk Van Lieshout that lives at The Kattenburg hood, in Amsterdam. It consists of six metal sewer lids that lay on/in the ground. If you stand on one lid, it gives you some sounds. All lids have different soundscapes. The soundscapes differ from short & hilarious radioplays, to collages with historical material, a string quartet and protest songs. The overall theme is 'Rumor', aimed at the long history of riots this particular neighbourhood of Amsterdam has. Lukas & Dirk made the concept of the sounds together and Lukas recorded and mixed it, and wrote some songs if necessary. With help from (a.o.) Mark Ritsema, Sander Blom, Esther Eij, Noortje Köhne, Jaap Altelaar and many others. Edition of 250 12" picture discs with inlay, of which only 75 copies are for sale.