Kahdet Kasvot
Kummitus (Finnish for "Ghost"), a band from Tampere who were active in the mid-seventies, was certainly one of the strangest entities in the history of Finnish rock music. Their original vision was to create a mystical band that builds on horror or hysteria and performing in costumes, frightening their live audience. When the band hit the road in the summer of 1975, besides their original material, Kummitus played cover songs mainly from British rock bands such as Rolling Stones and The Beatles. They recorded one album, 'Kahdet Kasvot' ("Two Faces") which clearly consists of two different sides. The straightforward and rocking tracks on side A were different to the more experimental tracks on side B. The story of Kummitus continued for a while, albeit with obscure twists. Due to certain difficulties, the band split up in the early summer of 1976.