The Konks
The sound of the out-of-toon teen generation, a monstruous 'thegoriesguncluboblivionbillychildishguitarwolf' hybrid! This three headed konkmonster has been kickin' up a racket in and around Bosstown for a while now. Recent winner of 'Little Steven's Battle of the Bands', the KONKS have been crowned the best garage band in Boston, which came as no surprise to their legions of faithful fans. The trio's primitive lust for the roots of heebie-jeebie have put them in a class with the BLACK LIPS and the MILKSHAKES. Their sound is stripped down to the barest essentials: distorted guitar and bass, howling vocals and a two-piece drum set-up on a milk crate, held together by duct tape. This is true rock'n'roll!