Konings, Anneke
Feelings And Fairytales
A stunning collection of extremely passionate hippie-esque pop and folk(-rock) from one of Holland's ultimate best kept musical secrets. In the early '70s this lady made two LP's and a handful of singles for Munich Records. (Her 2nd LP was licensed to Elf Provincien.) Though she was promoted amongst a mainstream audience, the music itself mainly was an underground affair. The result was that Anneke's music got neglected by both worlds and as time went by she faded into obscurity. But now (and at last!) this glorious CD-release sets history straight. 'Feelings And Fairytales' proves that Anneke Konings deserves to be remembered as one of Holland's best artists from the early 70s, alongside f.i. Boudewijn de Groot and Shocking Blue. This CD, collecting the finest moments from her albums and singles, consists of two parts. The songs of the first part are in English, the second part features compositions with Dutch lyrics. The CD comes with a luxurious booklet, offering a painting (front artwork) by Anneke's daughter, the full story, rare pix and more. Highly recommended to all fans of hippie-tinged folk(-rock) and slightly psychedelic pop, in and outside Holland. To them these 18 songs will come as a huge revelation.