Klatte, Ulrich
Cosmic Price Guide 2018 (4th Edition)
Revised and expanded 4th edition. The 'Cosmic Price Guide To Original Krautrock records' covers the particularly exciting musical history of German Krautrock music, in catalogue form, in a manner that is both competent and concise. The abundance of data - which is arranged both alphabetically and chronologically - concerning artists and bands, as well as labels, catalogue numbers, release dates, additional material and, in particular, collectors' prices, makes this book into an essential work of reference for collectors, dealers, editors, journalists and music historians. Nothing is omitted, as the work is rounded off with approximately 3,000 high-resolution colour illustrations on 448 pages. Features such as the solid fibre binding, a robust cover and a page marker ensure that the physical construction is such as to guarantee the reader many years of lasting and unperturbed use and pleasure. Limited to 3000 copies.