Couronne D'ephemeres
For his third album, Kacimi is surrounded by his live band soberly named La Mécréance (Romano Bianchi, Vincent Breza, Anthony Savarit). With this gang he revives his bubble pop garage guitar obsessions. After various singles ('Décroche,' 'Il Fait Si Chaud Ce Soir,' 'Les Rois'...) and collaborations these last two years (Lionel Limiñana, Laurent Blot, Alexis Fugain, L'Eclair...), 'Couronne d'Ephémères' slips into Kacimi's discography as a collection of power pop songs endowed with a grating poetry and brimming with slices of life that drive on an ever evident absurdity. What shall I say "a religion". A third album in the form of a hedonistic trip, where each measure is a pleasure finely orchestrated by La Mécréance, a freakbeat combo from Geneva with a surfy hipness and caustic humour. With this electric quartet, Kacimi covers Gainsbourg with ease, plays with the yéyé and Mersey beat codes, while giving them a modern and up-to-date interpretation. 13 tracks where mid tempo rhythm'n'blues is mixed with love ballads suspended in time ('5 Ans,' 'Le Ballon Songe,' 'Dans Des Histoires'). Recorded in Christian Hierro's Back To Mono Studio, after the album 'Gyrophare' in 2020 and 'Asile' by The Rebels Of Tijuana in 2018, 'Couronne d'Ephémères' closes this trilogy in a direct and sexy yet unadorned way.