Reissue of Josiah's fourth album from 2009. "Those who've experienced Josiah's groove-heavy swagger know that it's the guitar of Mat Bethancourt in the starring role, but this trio relies almost as much on the backing rhythms on 'Procession.' Blink and you'll miss the first two tracks, 'Procession' and 'Broken Doll," both of which are under two and a half minutes, but for the other three cuts of studio material ('Thirteen Scene,' highlight 'Dying Day' and the more garage rock 'Dead Forever'), it's just as much Beacom and Beasley's show as it is Bethancourt's. That would be the end if not for the five live tracks from Josiah's Swedish run in 2007. Four out of the five - 'Looking At The Mountain,' 'Time To Kill,' 'Silas Brainchild' and closer 'I Can't Seem To Find It' - come from the band's final recorded full-length, 'No Time,' and only 'Malpaso,' reaches back further, having first appeared on the 2001 10" 'Out Of The First Rays.' Not that we needed it by this time, but these live versions are basically just further confirmation of what underground rock lost with Josiah. The crash-heavy shuffle blues of 'Time To Kill' alone are worth whatever they're asking for 'Procession.'" ~The Obelisk