Jobarteh, Dawda
Do You Know A Place Called Flekkeroy ?
BETTER PRICE THAN PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED! Dawda Jobarteh is a Gambian kora player decenting from a long line of Mandinka griots. His music is an expression of the oscillations between tradition and modernity, old and new, different cultures and different genres. It is a more or less constant movement between opposites followed by waves of feeling lost and finding a way. On his album 'Do You Know A Place Called Flekkeroy?', Dawda explores yet another road on his musical and personal journey featuring Norwegian trumpet player Gunnar Halle. The two of them are backed up by Gambian percussionist Sal Dibba, Danish drummer Stefan Pasborg and Malian bass player Elisée Sangare. The album is jazzy with a lot of space for improvisational parts for both the kora and the trumpet. The eight tunes are a blend of Jobarteh's own compositions, a rearranged traditional West African tune and covers of 'Togo' by Don Cherry and 'Jackie-ing' by Thelonious Monk.