Pre Viam (magipack)
MAGIPACK VERSION. Esoterically Pre Viam (an anagram of Vampire as the previous Per Viam) is focused on the sadness, the melancholy and the suicidal tendency of the protagonist portrayed through seven fantastic musical paintings where the unfailing Gibson SG of the author unveils the face of the most authentic progressive rock, where the acoustic guitar phrasing gives a link with the past, where the epic evocative world of the big keyboards is absolutely unique, where the perfectionist drumming ranges from electro-next to rock. The concept created by Antonio Bartoccetti is is a spine-chilling release, a perseverant concentrate of killing brainstorming and also a genial mixture of conflicting adjectives aimed to the mystical-theological-esoterical-existential reflection of the listener. A fusion created by a superior mind with metal core touches very loved by the younger generations, with a parabiblical, mystical, darkly magic sound obviously progressive with esoterical musical inventions such as the absolutely new perseverant sound and a black queen who sings in an anomalous way her disharmonic melody. Pre viam promises it won't miss a beat: catacombal groove, cryptic rhythm guitars, unique chanting of the Lady in Black, aristocratic, noble, dreaming atmospheres and surely great visions...