Hurtado, Marc -& Mark Cunningham-
'Infini' is the result of a meeting between Marc Hurtado, known for his duo project Étant Donnés created in 1977, from the French experimental and industrial music scene, and Mark Cunningham from the New York no wave scene since the end of the '70s, under the entity Mars and compiled by Brian Eno in 'No New York.' The 'Infini' album was born in 2020 and completed in 2023. This particular project is a kind of 360° astral voyage, at the speed of light, carried away by the grace, madness, fire and kaleidoscopic whirlwind of the telescoping of the two artists' burning souls. Against a backdrop of Mark Cunningham's trumpet, bass and guitar, Marc Hurtado lays down his noisy drones and bewitching vocals, sealing and constructing an edifice whose stones seem to be cut and refined like diamonds. The atmosphere is psychedelic, cosmic, vaporous and blindingly dark. 'Infini' is the sound of blood, the blood of sound, a shattering mirror of fire, a wave of light in the sky, a path, a voice, a silence, a cry.