Hinson, Micah P. -& Nick Phelps-
Broken Arrows
Micah P. Hinson returns with an intense, almost entirely instrumental "psych-western" recording. 'Broken Arrows' has been released by Bronson Produzioni/Recordings, a small Italian label specialized in limited edition vinyl recordings. Hinson and the label owners have a long-time friendship. He has played several times in Ravenna where the group run three different live venues (Bronson club, Hana-Bi Beach and Fargo Café). The Texas-based Americana folksinger decided to pay tribute to his passionate friends with this exclusive 12" written, arranged and recorded together with his close friend and collaborator T. Nicholas Phelps in Abilene, Austin and Baltimore. The album is composed of nine tracks evoking comparisons to The Black Heart Procession, as well to Neutral Milk Hotel and other early Elephant 6 recordings.