Folly, Jeanne/j.l. Hennig/vxz 375/hector Zazou/bazooka
La Perversita
Rare great album of experimental dark cold twisted wave with very explicit lyrics. The sleeve and the two posters (replicated here) was made by Kiki Picasso. Produced by the infamous Bazooka group, La Perversita is one the first releases of Hector Zazou, with Jeanne Folly, J.L. Henning, VXZ 375, Bazooka. Zazou begins to demonstrate his interest in unusual instrumental timbres and colors, as well as his eclectic musical imagination. Think Monte Cazzaza, Nurse With Wound, Throbbing Gristle, early Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon... Includes a replica of the original inserts - a fanzine by Bazooka (two black and white posters: 58 x 27,5 cm, with artworks, texts, and a selection from the lyrics printed on both sides, generally each poster is folded into four 29 x 29 cm squares).