Ferreyra, Beatriz -& Natasha Barrett-
Souvenirs Caches/innermost
Last copies. Persistence Of Sound presents a split LP from two leading artists in electro-acoustic music. Beatriz Ferreyra and Natasha Barrett are known internationally for their intense explorations of the movement of sounds through space. A member of the original Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), Ferreyra moved from her native Argentina to study with Nadia Boulanger and Edgardo Cantón in Paris in the 1960s. Following Ferreyra's 2019 album 'Huellas Entreveradas' this album presents her follow-up 'Souvenirs Cachés'. Whilst studying with Jonty Harrison at the University of Birmingham, Natasha Barrett was able to work with BEAST (Birmingham Electro Acoustic Sound Theatre), which led to a doctoral composition degree supervised by composer Denis Smalley. Barrett has since established an international reputation as a composer of 3D audio and ambisonics.