Fellowship Of Hallucinatory Voyagers
The Imaginary Gallery
"It's been a very challenging nine months for most musicians, I've really missed the collaborations of working face to face with people, the adrenaline and creative rushes that they bring to our lives. At one point I was seriously considering the potential of learning morse code with my eyebrows as a new way of communicating with masks on! Pushing through the barriers of isolation is what music does and this project in particular has certainly engaged my brain cells. The premise was simple, I gave five pieces of music to the painter Rhiannon Jones, she listened to them and immersed herself in the music while she painted five oil paintings. Then the process was reversed and she sent me five paintings to write music too. You may have noticed there are eleven paintings and eleven tracks, a great example of the fact that nothing ever quite works out the way you thought it would." ~Pete Bingham. Limited to 75 copies, including 16 page full colour "gallery" booklet.