Faceless Burial
At The Foothills Of Deliration
Since 2014, Australian death metal trio Faceless Burial have provided us with two scorching albums, an EP and a demo. Well it is now time to see if this winning streak of brutality continues, as their third record is imminent. Never a band to falter, this opus begins on blast-beats and firestorms of malevolent riffing with more deliciously warped bass lines that provide an intricate tapestry of sound with squealing leads and gargantuan vocals. The punchiness and utterly monolithic production instantly captivates the mind while the musicianship bends into inhuman shapes from the onset, taking us into cosmic realms and sepulchral crypts in sweeps of dynamic brilliance. The technical edge is still very much present, thus fans of insane musicianship can rest easy, faces will melt. That said, this is no obnoxious show of skill without substance as the previous material can attest to. No, Faceless Burial are masterful songwriters as well, whom can string together beautiful atmospherics and odious grooves into an unimaginably bold and vibrant yet still filthily heavy cut of death metal.