La Grande Triple Alliance Internationale De L'est
La Grande Triple Alliance Internationale De L'Est is an artistic collective, active since the early 2000s and split between Metz, Strasbourg, Bruxelles and Rome. That's what the official Wikipedia page states. But tbh, we never really knew (or wanted to know) the whens, the hows or the whys. Not important. What matters is doing what you want, where you want, at the loudest volume you want it. That's what we did. And that's what we'll always do. Until the end of times. We'll let the rumors spread and the Parisians people wet their beds. The movie directed by Nicolas Drolc and Guillaume Marietta is a testimony to this motto. Its soundtrack, composed by Marietta and Esse aka Hess aka Sebastien Joly (both ex-A.H. Kraken and The Feeling Of Love), is an abstract deconstruction that sonically mirrors the message that the collective has always spread through its very existence. A life without any form of compromise.