Emma Goldman Bust-out Brigade
(black) The Emma Goldman Bust-out Brigade
The Emma Goldman Bust-Out Brigade was born out of conversations that started several years ago between Mike Watt and Devin Hoff. The music consists of improvisations based on bass lines by Watt and Hoff. The point was for the three (including fabulous drummer Joe Berardi) to build non-idiomatic drums and bass-based improvised music, to hopefully enact in music some of Emma Goldman's words on the relationship of the individual to the collective. Watt found phrases in Goldman's writing to name the songs after. The tracks are mostly instrumental, with the exception of the one word chant 'Atamansha' that Hoff and comrade Tivona sang, a reference to early 20th century revolutionary Maria Nikiforova. The music is both free-improvisation inspired by the revolutionary avant-garde musicians of the Art Ensemble of Chicago, Julius Hemphill, Alice Coltrane, etc. and also very much punk rock in its ethos of DIY egalitarianism. Limited to 100 copies on black vinyl.