Electric Moon
Live 2012 - I (2lp)
'Live 2012 - I' and 'II' is a 2 part series of live recordings from the same weekend in summer 2012. Back then, only recorded for reference by the band, with improvised equipment. 'Live 2012 - I' got recorded live at the Zytanien Open Air on a Friday and has a more technoid vibe to it, while 'Live 2012 - II' got recorded the night after on the Rock Den See Festival, and has a more rock attitude to it. They got released as very limited CD-R editions and digitally. Now, 11 years later, Pancromatic Records Norway gives us the opportunity to listen to those recordings on vinyl, which is two releases on a colored double LP each, with fitting and new artwork by Lulu Artwork. For this release, the recordings got mastered as good as possible by Falko at Institut Für Angewandten Krach. Electric Moon - Live 2012 - I: recorded live at the Zytanien Festival 2012. Sula Bassana - guitar, fx, Komet Lulu - bass, fx, Michael Orloff - drums. Comes on orange vinyl.