Doray, Philippe -& Les Asociaux Associes-
Ramasse-miettes Nucleaires
In 1976, the Asociaux Associés led by Philippe Doray (Rotomagus, Ruth, Crash), recorded the first of the two albums under their own name: 'Ramasse-Miettes Nucléaires'. On synthesiser, Doray fires off his disturbing poetry over psychedelic pop, voodoo rock, off-kilter krautrock, approximate swing... But if the music is iconoclastic (bringing to mind as much Hendrix as Areski, Ash Ra Tempel as Berrocal...), one thing is certain: 'Ramasse-Miettes Nucléaires' is one of the best albums of obscure experimental songs ever recorded. It is no surprise that Steven Stapleton included Philippe Doray on the Nurse With Wound list, found between the Doo-Dooettes and Jean Dubuffet: his music is genuinely original and, what is more, ahead of its time. Originally released in 1977.