Dikke Dennis & De Rockers
Achter Het Station
The fourth single from Dikke Dennis & De Rockers 'Achter Het Station'/'Verdomme Ik Doe Het Wel Alleen' is the last in this series of singles that are devised according to the same concept. A true Dikke Dennis original on side A, a unique cover on side B (this time a cover of Dutch band Doe Maar's 'Verdomme Ik Doe Het Wel Alleen') and the artwork in comic style. 'Achter Het Station' is an up-tempo rock song full of tight riffs and an autobiographical text about one of the many ladies of easy virtue that Dennis knows inside and out. For all the die-hard fans of Dikke Dennis & De Rockers this 7" vinyl record is a must-have addition to complete your collection. For new fans this is a great entry into the world of Dikke Dennis. 'Achter Het Station' comes on orange colored vinyl. Collect the whole series! All songs are in Dutch.