"This is definitely the most honest and mature record Deathchant has ever made." That's Deathchant vocalist and guitarist T.J. Lemieux talking about the band's third and latest album, Thrones. Think of it as not just the follow-up to 2021's 'Waste,' but the other side of the coin. "While 'Waste' and our self-titled album touched on similar themes, they were sort of from a problem standpoint," he explains. "'Thrones' is full of reflection, self-realization, and solutions for moving forward and conquering those problems." Which isn't to say that Deathchant have gone soft. Far from it, dude. In fact, 'Thrones' just might be their heaviest record thus far. The band's seamless swirl of classic rock guitar harmonies, syrupy sludge, blues boogie and psych bombast has reached a thrilling new apex as Lemieux spins high-powered tales of reckoning from beyond the wall of sanity. 'Thrones' was recorded live in a cabin in the remote mountain community of Frazier Park, CA, with trusty engineer Steve Schroeder (a.k.a. Schroeds).