Im Abendrot (digi)
Dammerfarben are another very promising newcomer to the German scene, playing melancholic and yet powerful Dark/Black Metal that stands apart from the mainstream due to it's focus on very sophisticated melancholic, sometimes romantic instrumental parts. Mastermind Nostarion is a professional musician who, besides guitar, plays cello, violin, lute and various other instruments since his childhood. This education provides him not only with remarkable prowess on his chosen instruments but shows in his excellent songwriting abilities. Available in Digipack (ltd. 1000). Tracklist: 1. Wandernd 2. Nebel und Regen 3. Graues Land 4. Oktobersturm 5. Einsamkeit 6. Regen in der Dammerung 7. Im Abendrot 8. Nachtgedanken 9. Hinaus in die Nacht.