Typhomanteia (2lp)
'SACRED TRIARCHY OF SPIRITUAL PUTREFICATION' - Raw blackened death/doom band Cthonica began in Caracas, Venezuela, rising from the ashes of a previous incarnation of a project called Okkvlt. Cthonica is a home-recorded project. Both for necessity due to the precarious access to resources in the tumultuous Venezuelan society and general lack of most things out there, and for the complete refusal by the core duo behind the project to compromise or embrace standardized and commonly acceptable creation processes. Lyrically, musically, and conceptually Cthonica are focused on expressing the abyss within every human life, not only through the classic but overused Nietzschean cliché, but also and mostly as a Tehomic-Typhonian metamorphosis of every man's reason through what they call 'spiritual putrefaction'.