Coronados (france)
Un Lustre
Without any doubt, France's best band of the '80s! A perfect mix of wild garage, offbeat influences (for the times) like Alex Chilton, Kevin Ayers, Harry Nilsson or Beefheart and French twisted '60s pop, all done in their own original and even eccentric style, savage but literate, loose but subtle. This is Coronado's second album, the first one had a very bare sound (that the band didn't like at the time but that has aged well), this one has a great full production, perfect for these ambitious songs. Despite great reviews, in France and aboard, and praise from their peers, they split soon after and have never played again since, which has added to their myth and their cult status. Apart from long gone CDs reissues, this is the first time their records are being re-released. Buy or die!