Chrystabell -& David Lynch-
Cellophane Memories (col)
Eraserhead himself collaborates with cemetery chanteuse Chrystabell to provide the late-night mixtape of another beautiful, doomed romance. Lynch was inspired to make the new album after experiencing a vision during a nighttime walk through a forest of tall trees, over the tops of which he saw a bright light. As he recalls it, the light became the lilt of Chrystabell's voice and revealed a secret to him. In a statement, Chrystabell said the album contains "many doors that are left open to wonder, wander and get turned around in," adding: "It's like mood music, not that it creates mood, but more that it reflects your own." As with much of Chrystabell and David's work from the past, 'Cellophane Memories' returns us to a central question: what is a mystery? Alas, the riddle remains unanswered. But all mystery contains slivers of those conceits and feelings described above: the departing and the coming-back, the landscape, atmosphere and breath, the topsy turvy mechanisms of time, memories of the bygone, a distant light radiating from darkness, music within silence, love.